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Webinar series aiming at increasing the interaction between the Romanian research community and the European infrastructure for biological information ELIXIR Europe.

The scope of ELIXIR, an European intergovernmental organization, is to coordinate resources used in life sciences, such as software, databases and training, so that they form a single infrastructure. Excellence in life sciences requires coordinated approaches and ELIXIR aims to fill this need by supporting national coordination structures, leading European initiatives and supporting worldwide used resources.

The direct communication between Romanian scientists and ELIXIR will enable insights into how Romanian groups could contribute to and 2) benefit from the interaction with European biological data infrastructures.

The recent COVID19 crisis revealed a number of items that we need to take action. Looking forward, RSBI considers that biological data and resources coordination at national and European level are vital for augmenting Romania’s contribution to European and global science.

Participation is free of charge, registration is required for each of the three sessions.

Program and registration:

The complete program andregistration forms are available on the ELIXIR website: ELIXIR Webinar Romania

Day 1, 24 September: Opportunities for collaboration and funding

Day 2, 29 September: Collaboration in human genomics and translational data

Day 1, 6 October: Collaboration in Plant sciences


ELIXIR: Joana Wingender, Corinne Martin and Andrew Smith
RSBI: Iona Hrapșa, Ramona Suharoschi and Bogdan Mirăuță

ELIXIR has received funding for this project from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program under grant agreement No 871075. While identified as a priority in the ESFRI Roadmap (2006) by the European Commission, and participating in several EU-funded projects, ELIXIR is not a structure of the European Union. RSBI used internal funding for this project.