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Dr. Simona Radutoiu’s group at Aarhus University is looking for a highly motivated and skilled postdoc able to independently tackle complex biological questions and large datasets in the context of a large interdisciplinary international consortium. The postdoc will be part of a research group working at the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark. The group’s research focuses on plants and their naturally associated microorganisms to provide new perspectives and concepts for understanding microbial functions for improving performance and plant growth under limited input conditions. The successful candidate will work on sequence data analysis, bioinformatics and quantitative genetics with a biological focus on plant-microbe interactions. A central component is the analyses and integration of large datasets derived from microbiome datasets and hundreds of microbial genomes. Excellent programming skills and documented bioinformatics experience is expected. Experience with analysis of DNA sequences, microbiome, metagenome or RNA-seq data is an advantage. For details please contact Dr. Simona Radutoiu radutoiu [at]